Monday, February 4, 2013

Parenting by any other name would…still be loving your child

What camp are you from? Are you a Dr. Sear’s follower, or do you believe in Babywise? Are you Vax-er? CD-er? BF-er? Babywearer? Which acronym defines us as parents? We subscribe to a camp of thought, a group of beliefs that begin to define our parenting, define us.  To the internet world of mommy groups I’d probably be considered an AP CD-er who vaxes and babywears.  To me, I’m a mom who loves my son and leads with my gut. Seeing as though we like to subscribe names and labels to things, understandably, I’d like to say that I am a “natural” mom, but I don’t think that is the term. Even that term could imply things that aren’t true about my parenting. I vax and my kid consumes chemical laden goldfish daily.  My ideals coincide with Attachment Parenting, but I don’t co-sleep and I don’t leap over furniture to grab my son if he is crying, though I do go to him. Which parent am I?

I started thinking about this when my husband was up late one night researching the Ferber method. Why? I have no clue, my son sleeps fine and we never ferberized him. Maybe a little background is necessary, my husband cringes and shuts down if I start a sentence with “Dr. Sears” or “Attachment Parenting”. He apparently set out to see what the whole Cry it Out verse rocking your child argument was all about. He approached me the next day, hesitantly, to inform me of the research he found discounting attachment parenting and it’s scientific research claims. Then he went on about how, with the next baby, we shouldn’t read any books and should just do what feels right. I laughed. Little did he know, other than reading things to support what I was already doing and reassure myself, I read very little in the realm of how to raise a child. Between the wonderful things I watched my sister do with her kids, the way I was raised and my gut I found my way. He seemed relieved, “But I thought you were an AP Mom?” Yes, if I am in a room with moms I know that if I need to identify myself as something, saying I am AP will get most of my points across. Saying I am AP will let people know most of my philosophies and the intentions of my parenting. However, I am not an AP mom…I am an instinctual mom. I parent from my heart and monitor my heart with my mind.

Society convinces women that they are not capable of parenting without a book, and they cannot give birth without a class. Books and classes are great, but a parent can’t survive googling every choice. I believe you need to parent from the hip (both literally wearing baby there and shooting from there). Although I owned plenty of books to consult, I found it overwhelming to read them before I had my son. So, I consulted them at different points. When Jack suddenly started waking up in at 4am around 6 months, when I heard someone say that I should get him off the bottle at a year. I felt certain responses in my gut, consulted books and google and then inevitably, went with my gut. Fortunately parenting is NOT a science and because of that, it is possible to find articles to support any of your beliefs and reassure you that you are doing the right thing.

We need to support each other and develop a new way of thinking. Maybe, just maybe, we know how to raise great kids, productive members of society, without anyone else’s input but our own. Just maybe, we are born with this knowledge. We don’t need names for what we do, because in the end we all do the same exact thing, love our children.