Jack has always been a heavy wetter. Throw on top of that an 8 ounce bottle and 12 hours on his stomach and what do you get? Fresh sheets EVERY day! I am sick of changing sheets, doing laundry and frankly, the wet hug I get every morning when I pick him up out of his crib. So what is a girl to do? Experiment.
At about 5 months this issue started. First, we solved it by double diapering, one facing forward and one backward to cover his stomach. That was great for a few weeks. Then we moved to Huggies Overnights, our godsend! That worked up until a few weeks ago at around 7 months. I CD during the day, but won't give up my Huggie Overnights, well now that they have failed, I am willing to explore our options. Many people suggested wool. First, I do not knit or crochet and secondly, I find wool uncomfortable on my skin, no matter how fancy or soft it is.
So, let the games begin:
Night 1:
Huggies Overnights with a microfiber insert inside of them stuffed into a pocket diaper (yes the Huggies diaper was stuffed inside of the pocket diaper)...very creative I know....Epic Fail!!! In fact he peed all over more than ever.
Night 2:
He skipped a bottle so I decided to just do the good ol' Huggie...it mostly worked, there was some pee on his onzie, but nothing soaked through to his pj's or sheets.
Night 3:
People kept telling me about diaper boosters or liners. They are basically like an extra maxi-pad you put inside of a disposable diaper. Okay, so I folded up a prefold and placed it inside of the Huggies Overnight. This seemed to work pretty well, but I was running out of Huggies Overnights and was determined to find another method without having to buy more diapers.
Night 4:
Success! With complicated folding, tucking and 3 inserts....it worked! So here is my cloth-overnight-stomach-sleeper-OMG-this-boy-can-pee solution!
I used bumGenius pocket diapers (though one night I used a Kawaii Baby and it worked fine) The inserts are a mix of bumGenius and Kawaii. You have to use a diaper with a strip of the outside fabric on the top inside. This prevents pouring out onto the rest of their stomach. You can see what I mean by the strip here at the inside top of a bumGenius. (Kawaii Baby diapers also have this strip)
Here is the layout on the outside (bottom left). This is with only two inserts. When I use only two inserts I put a prefold on him as well. As you can see in the front view (bottom right) they get so full I have to leave all of the snaps open (where I normally have him on the lowest setting). This way the diaper goes up high on him and covers his stomach that usually gets wet.
Here is how I get all three inserts in...
Now, I am sure that this isn't going to be full proof. I have no clue what I am going to do when he gets bigger, since I have the diapers on the largest setting, but this works great for now! As you may have guessed, these things are HUGE! Jack looks like his tushie is in the front of his body, but he sleeps like a baby!
He is adorable...good idea btw!